Campus Druid Network (CDN) is a recognized non-denominational Druid group officially established within Durham College to support and connect students interested in Druidry. Its mission is to inspire the pursuit of Awen (divine inspiration) and promote the regeneration of social, ecological, and spiritual well-being. Open to inspire sustenance to individuals from a variety of land-based spiritual paths, including but not limited to the Celtic pantheon, Wicca, Asatru, Kemetism, Rodnovery, Romuva, and Hellenism.
Club Activities Include:
• Weekly Gatherings featuring Guest Speakers, Discussions, academic collaboration and Workshops
• Celebration of all eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year (Samhain, Winter Solstice, Imbolc, Vernal Equinox, etc.)
• Community Projects focused on reciprocity, decolonization, and appropriate cultural reclamation
• Seed Group Creation for outreach and collaborative efforts