Everything you need in one page!
Benefit Card
Your benefits card can be used to save time and money at many pharmacies, dentists, and practitioners. Available on Apple Wallet or Google Play
I.M Well
Connect live with counsellors 24/7 through live chat or phone, direct connection to resources available on your campus.Download the I.M. Well App on the App Store or Google Play
Opt Out
Students with comparable coverage are able to opt out of DCSA Health Plan coverage. You can opt-out of the benefits during the time period in which you begin your studies.
Student VIP
Find out more details of your health plan on our website.
International Student Claim Form
Health Centre
The Campus Health and Wellness Centre provides access to confidential and comprehensive services. Our team consists of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab technicians, mental health professionals, wellness coaches, a residence outreach team, a health and wellness promotion team, and administrative staff, all working together to assist you in managing a healthy lifestyle.