"*" indicates required fields

Section 1

Information about your Club.

This question determines what type of hobby, topic or academic area of study that your group will focus on.
This question determines what type of activities your group will produce. Some examples are; weekly meetings, workshops, guest speakers, contests, and more. This question is not binding and provides an idea of what the club will provide in terms of programming for its members.
*Please Note: Clubs can not include the name s group names must be appropriate (appropriateness is determined by the club manager based on their discretion)
This description will be posted online to attract prospective members to your group. Please be descriptive in the type of initiatives your group will host. *Please note your description may be edited for grammar and spelling.

Section 2

Club Leadership

What is the name and contact information for primary contact for this Club?

This question determines who the key contact will be for your club to communicate with the club manager. At least 1 full-time Durham College student must be named.

Most clubs opt for the default structure wherein the leader operates as president - however other structures are possible. Not all roles must be filled upon starting a club but are recommended to be filled as the club grows to designate specific responsibilities.
This question determines who the key contacts will be for your club and their designated responsibilities.

Section 3

Policy, Legal, and Acceptance of Responsibility

Please review and accept the attached club policy:*
Does the primary contact for the club agree to their responsibility of communicating with the club manager?*