Please Note

Please note poster requests will be paused between August 26 - Sept 16 due to Orientation: Poster Requests submitted during this time will be processed during the week of September 16 - 20

Contact Information

Contact Information(Required)
Please include your name and your club name!
Please ensure you provide an email you actively check! We will contact you for poster pickup at this email.

Poster Submission

Please enter a number from 1 to 25.
Please note posters are limited to 25 per club: Posters must be removed from bulletin boards once out of date. Best Practice - 10 Posters Per Campus
Size of Poster(Required)
Typical posters are printed on 11 x 17 gloss paper. Postcards are great for handouts but not for posting on bulletin boards.
Which Campus Are You Requesting Posters For:(Required)
Posters will be made available at the DCSA Office at the selected Campus. Pick-Up is the responsibility of the club whom requested the posters. Please note the hours at the Whitby Campus Office are limited to 9 - 2 p.m.
Poster Check-List(Required)
Please confirm the following are included in your poster before printing!
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 32 MB.